Dyke Soccer


for dykes + whom this feels like home

Dyke Soccer is a 3k+ strong community of amateur athletes that meet 4 times/week for low-cost or free pickup soccer games in LA, DC, and Brooklyn. Our central mission is to make health and wellness accessible for queer womxn, trans, gender non-conforming, and non binary people. Soccer is the medium. Safe physical fitness spaces are rare for queer folks and we advocate for inclusive culture wherever we play. Dyke Soccer is a community built around cruising, connections, and sport free from focus on substance and profit. We’re a pop-up dyke bar in your local park: sub the booze for a soccer ball. Check out our website for the full DYKE SOCCER MXIFESTO. Dyke Soccer has been featured in DAZED Digital, Office Magazine, and Queer York City.

Alex Schmidt (@bodyconfidence) and Jolie Signorile co-founded Dyke Soccer in April 2018.

Photo above by Yael Malka.

Photo by Matt Glueckert.